CISPI appreciates the support of parents of international students. Directors of CISPI are parents and have spent their careers working with young people like your child. You are providing an opportunity for learners to actively engage in the global community. These young people, our future leaders, are fortunate to be able to study abroad and create networks of friendship, scholarship and leadership. CISPI is committed to working together with the parents throughout the entire program. Your concerns will become our issues to explore and solve. Contact through email, phone conversations and SKYPE will be encouraged. For parents wishing to visit us in Canada assistance will be given to arrange for airport pick up and for accommodations during your stay in Canada. Various embassies from around the world are located in Ottawa providing you with another level of support unique to this city in Canada. With sufficient numbers, the directors of CISPI would welcome the opportunity to visit the home countries of our students to provide face to face updates with families and assist in the future educational planning of these young leaders.
As an international learner you will have many opportunities few students in the world are able to experience. You will grow in friendship, scholarship and leadership with students from various backgrounds in our global community. With CISPI you will have directors who have over 60 years of combined experience working with thousands students like you. You will have access to an experienced school guidance counsellor and an experienced principal through CISPI. Both directors are members in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers. At the school level, accredited teachers, counsellors, and school administers will support you. Your carefully selected homestay will meet high standards and you will grow in so many ways with your Canadian family. You will have the opportunity to participate in school sports, music, drama and many other extra curricular school activities combined with various activities in the exciting city of Ottawa, Canada.