Co-directors, Paul Brown and Patrick Mulvihill, are committed to providing the best service to our international students, their families and agents. Through our training, formal education and experiences with students and school systems and membership in the Ontario College of Teachers we are able to commit to the following:
Honest and efficient communication with all interested parents, students, agents and institutions.
A clear and concise fee structure with no “hidden” fees or extra costs
Direct and constant contact with the student from the moment the student is met at the airport -
Placement in a provincially approved and accredited Catholic public school system or a non-faith based public school system for each approved student
Support of an experienced and qualified guidance counsellor and school principal to guide the student with course selection and all academic requirements
Ongoing support and communication with all parties throughout the school term(s) to promote success, celebrate achievements and resolve disputes
Ongoing guidance and counselling to assist the student in determining their next steps of their educational pursuits including visits to nearby universities and colleges
Assistance with entrance, scholarship and bursary applications
Placement in an approved homestay.
Through partnerships developed by CISPI, students can be placed in a variety of school systems. (Example)
#1 – A Snapshot of the Ottawa Catholic School Board
Covering an area of approximately 2,900 square kilometres, the Ottawa Catholic School Board is an all encompassing urban, suburban and rural board located in Eastern Ontario. With a full-time equivalent teaching and non-teaching staff of approximately 4,000, we operate 82 schools (65 elementary, 2 intermediate, 15 high schools) as well as one (1) special education centre, one (1) adult high school and four (4) adult education centres. We provide a distinctive education with a special emphasis on student success and spiritual growth to approximately 38,800 full-time students.
#2 – A Snapshot of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board
The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) is the largest school board in Eastern Ontario serving students within a 2,760 square kilometre area known as the city of Ottawa. We are the seventh largest board by school population in the province of Ontario. Our students are based out of 147 schools – 116 elementary including two special education sites, 26 secondary including the Adult High School, and 5 secondary alternate sites. We offer education for all, education for life at the OCDSB.
Other school and/or school board profiles can be provided upon request.
We do the paperwork and application forms!